Wednesday 11 January 2017

I'm okay with my "mom bod"

I'm sitting here eating cereal for dinner because I'm just too tired and fed up today to really care. No it's not gluten free, dairy free, organic, or vegan it's Vector. Yeah that's right so for all you judgey moms out there go ahead and say what you want because my kids are eating pizza pockets for dinner and I'm okay with it
  For all these years I've worried about what I ate, how much I've eaten, which cleanse works, what I weigh, if my jeans are too tight, have I worked out at least 4 times this week, and well you get the picture. Why do we care so much! Why is it men can age, get beer bellies, go grey, loose their hair and it's accepted. They are either called distinguished or are told they have the glorified "dad bod"

Acceptable "Dad Bod"
that has been graciously accepted by society thanks to the celebrity "dad bods" out there. Women have kids and are expected to look like a Victoria Secret model, and if we don't we get comments like  "wow she really let herself go" behind our back.
Just over a year ago I ended up with shingles and that was what started not only my weight gain but putting things into perspective. I have in the last year realized how little time I was spending with my family and friends because vanity was more important. If I wasn't at work I was at the gym then at then by the time I came home I was just too tired and went to bed. What kind of life was I living for all these years? I get the whole healthy aspect of things I'm not an idiot but really life is so much more then striving for the perfect body. Why can't we as women be confident with our bodies no matter what size we are? Is it terrible to think you can be healthy but carry a little extra weight?
 I've recently started training for my first half marathon in June. Now more then ever I recognize the need for food as fuel. I'm not expecting weight loss from this process but if it does happen then I'm okay with it. In all honesty I am actually getting used to being a little chubby and find myself a little less cold this winter and my bust has filled out well! So this mom is going to continue to rock her "mom bod" and enjoy life just a little bit more!

Monday 13 April 2015

Life in your 30's!

   If you think life is great in your 20's just wait until you hit your 30's, and it all becomes clear!

"YUP!! In my thirties and I feel like my life is the shit! I have my career, car, kids husband, a spare tire to keep me warm in the winter months and I have learnt if you don't like me get in line because it's a long wait"

That was a response I gave in a mom group this morning and I know I'm not alone. I spent so many years thinking that I was behind expectations, worrying about what others thought about me, and comparing what others success was to mine and for what?
My children, and husband are the most important things in my life so the rest is just a bonus except for the spare tire maybe.
Sure life has changed since my 20's, there is more responsibility, planning and stress but that's life. Eventually we all have to grow up but it also means that life gets more awesome! I do whatever I want, when I want, make choices that work for my family, focus on positive relationships,  and don't worry about other opinions.
As we get older we focus on what we really need, already have, and what really matters.
I guess the 40's must be even better!

Sunday 5 April 2015

Am I missing the boat?

   As moms we have the best ability to do it all, but for some reason I feel like I'm missing the boat on this one lately. I decided to make myself a weekly and daily to do list consisting of everything I have to complete in terms of home, work and errands. This list continued to grow, I continued to get behind, and my frustration kept building. On that note I have realized that "To Do" lists don't work for this mom!
My question to all moms out there is:
Am I the only one being really honest or are there more of me?
 I know Happy Meals, and Mac and Cheese are not part of the 4 food groups but it's just too easy and at least I know my kids will eat it and keep quiet so I can get one more thing done or just enjoy the peace for a little while
Do you think that if there were 32 hours each day it would make a difference? 
Are you familiar with attempted phone conversations? In this house all is quiet until a call comes in, and then BOOM!!!! Out of nowhere complete chaos breaks out, fighting, crying, hitting,  and I find myself muting the phone so I can scream. 
I would love to hear how any other moms can relate to this!

Monday 21 April 2014

I'm Back

It's been a while since I last blogged to say the least!!! Between work, kids, husband, holidays, friends etc.... I managed to completely dismiss any posts for way to long now! So it's 2014, I've worked diligently to grow my business, flu season is finally over, my children want to be outdoors 24/7,  Easter just finished, everyone over indulged on chocolate and the spring market is here!!! Yes finally the snow is gone until next winter!!!
 One thing that I have managed to do since December is figure out the whole work life balance. It took a little while but the key is organization and planning (something that I have always struggled with) The biggest thing I have come to realize is I can stay at the office all night and still not finish everything so 
1) unless it's an offer or an emergency it can wait till tomorrow and
2) Make time for ME!!!!
3) Eat because not eating leads to weight gain (True Story) 

 So here are a few questions for all of my moms out there:
1)What are your tips to doing it all? 
2) What is your biggest struggle as a mother?
3) What would be the one thing that would make life easier?

Feel free to comment as I am sure I will get some more ideas for future blogs!

Monday 25 November 2013

First Christmas DIY

I love decorating for Christmas!!! Yes I say Christmas so if I am offending anyone too bad it is never going to change!!! I am not much of a " Do it Yourself" Kind of person, but sometimes I get an idea and just give it a go.
Last Friday I was showing homes to out of town clients and saw something that I thought was unique. The sellers for the one home had all of their pictures on the walls wrapped up like Christmas presents! I thought that this was a great way to add a little extra holiday touch to decorating! Usually I decorate just a week before Christmas so I must have really been inspired because it is not even December yet!!!
 I have always struggled with what to put on the wall over the fireplace. Aside from the Christmas season there is always a black and white painting hanging on the wall. I always put it away and then try to come up with something to put in its place for two weeks.  Here is what I had done two years ago.
Last year was pretty much the same but I was so busy with just having Bella that I didn't even think to take any pictures. As much as I loved everything about the colours, tree, etc..., the one thing that kept bothering me was the wall above the fireplace.
So on Saturday after I left the office I decided to pick up a few extra bulbs to add to the 400 plus collection and grabbed some wrapping paper, ribbon and an over sized bow! I LOVE HOME SENSE!!!!

After a long day this is the living room décor for Christmas 2013 in the Pasquini Household!
What are your thoughts on this idea? Do you have any unique DIY decorating ideas that you do yourself? I just may attempt something else since I am so far ahead this year! I can't wait to put gifts under the tree this year!!!

Wednesday 6 November 2013

If You Want Children Follow These 10 Steps First

I hear so many parents say that being a parent is the most wonderful thing to happen to them and they wouldn't change a thing. Did I miss the memo?
I wanted to spend some quality time with the family, and work from home since I didn't have any appointments. Result you ask? I made a mistake that's the result! I have heard nothing but whining, crying, fighting, and NO,NO,NO,NO,NO. All I want at this point of the day is to lay in bed and watch whatever programming Slice TV has to offer tonight. It better be the housewives of somewhere because I prefer to not use any part of my brain to process information.
If I hear NO one more time I think that I am going to snap.  I am trying to complete a home evaluation, however I have decided to take a break and blog for therapy.
 Don't get me wrong I love my children to death but no one could have prepared me for the reality of parenting. Here is my top ten to do list if you are thinking "I am ready to be a parent".

1. Pour milk on your expensive shirt or dress in the morning and just leave it there. Don't worry after a while you forget that you smell like sour milk.
2. Purchase white carpet ( if you don't already have it) lay it down in the living room and then use it as a plate and it's okay if you spill your beverages. Make sure everything just sits for a day or two. This will give you every reason NOT to go with carpet or tear it out.
3. Stay up as late as you can before your eyes start to shut on you. At that point set your alarm to go off every after every ten minutes until it is time to wake up for work. Do this for 2 weeks or until you feel your body shut down.
4. Don`t eat real food for at least a few days. Only drink coffee and eat whatever candy you find at work. You just need enough to almost forget that you have had no sleep or food to begin with
5. Instead of buying things for yourself that you usually do, replace it with a trip to Wal-Mart and go straight to the baby section. You will need it soon enough so start now.
6. Buy a box of Cheerios and pour it everywhere including in your car. Walk all over making sure the cheerios are crushed into your socks, and then vacuum. Do this three times a day
7. Start arguing with your husband now. You need the practise because arguing is routine once the kids come. As long as you win the arguments you are on the right track
8. Get really drunk then do step 3. You will understand once you are a new mom
9. Leave Tree House on all day long. You will quickly memorise the programming and start singing along to The Wiggles, Toopy and Binoo etc...
10. If you do step 1-9 successfully take a really long hot shower. After baby it won't happen for a very long time!

If you still want to have children after doing all ten you just might be ready!!Now
I am ready to get back to work again. Have a good night everyone!

Sunday 3 November 2013

My Two ``AHA MOMENTS``on a Friday Night Out!

   Before I go into my blog I thought it would be fitting to show how I really look when I am tired. Dark circles, bad hair, and forgot to wash the make up off last night. Yup I look too hot this morning to pass on a self taken photo looking my finest. It`s okay I am not impressed with how I look so I don`t expect you to be!
 Friday is what we all wait for right? Well I have learnt that once you are a parent Friday is just another day. This Friday turned out to be an extra long. Bella and Antonio woke up earlier then usual, I had appointments that didn't end until 8:30, and I went out!!! Yes I went out. I don't get out much as staying out past my bedtime results in a struggle to get through the next day. Yes I have a bed time!! Who else is going to wake up for disaster 1 and 2 at random hours. Not hubby that's for sure he sleeps like a bear. MEN!!!!! Enough of that rant, that is as a completely different blog post.
 I was invited out by a friend/mortgage agent I work with who is not only a great business woman but also a mom of 3 boys!!! She actually makes me jealous because she looks like a super model and has the personality of a saint! The truth is she does it all and makes me look really bad! Yes Lilly you make me look like a terrible mother and a wife. You some how do it all!
I really didn't want to go anywhere Friday but hubby said I needed the break but forgot to tell me that he was going to sleep in when the kids woke up. My idea of a break would be a self induced coma for about three days but I`m just thinking out loud. I made it out and had a great time. It was an event for a mortgage agent who won an award from the Hamilton Spectator. It was nice to see so much support for this woman from her friends, family, colleagues, and clients. I guess I can say this was work related but with wine. Relax it was only one small glass I am responsible!  We were sitting at the table talking and one of the women made my night with our conversation. Lately I have not been doing any cleaning, cooking, errands etc... I know that I have to get back into it but I could really care less what my house looks like right now. My conversation with her made not only my night, but gave ,me some relief as I am  not the only one who does these things. You are probably wondering what it's pretty simple so here I go. I like to call these my two "AHA MOMENTS"

A) If the laundry is in the hamper folded (if it even gets folded) it doesn't always have to make it into the drawers.
B) The dishes don't have to be washed until the following morning.

Like I said it was two simple things but I carry a little less guilt knowing I am not alone.
Maybe you think I am crazy, lazy, demanding etc... I am just trying to make it work. Oh and that whole waking up at 4:30 crap I was talking about, I haven't done it in over a week. ,  I really need to get back on track which includes putting the quits on the Halloween candy for breakfast!!!  Tomorrow is a new day!

Here is a question before I forget:  Am I the only one who has children that are a complete nightmare today? I guess the clocks going back an hour doesn't apply to anyone under 12!

Happy Sunday off to prepare for an open house!