Monday 21 April 2014

I'm Back

It's been a while since I last blogged to say the least!!! Between work, kids, husband, holidays, friends etc.... I managed to completely dismiss any posts for way to long now! So it's 2014, I've worked diligently to grow my business, flu season is finally over, my children want to be outdoors 24/7,  Easter just finished, everyone over indulged on chocolate and the spring market is here!!! Yes finally the snow is gone until next winter!!!
 One thing that I have managed to do since December is figure out the whole work life balance. It took a little while but the key is organization and planning (something that I have always struggled with) The biggest thing I have come to realize is I can stay at the office all night and still not finish everything so 
1) unless it's an offer or an emergency it can wait till tomorrow and
2) Make time for ME!!!!
3) Eat because not eating leads to weight gain (True Story) 

 So here are a few questions for all of my moms out there:
1)What are your tips to doing it all? 
2) What is your biggest struggle as a mother?
3) What would be the one thing that would make life easier?

Feel free to comment as I am sure I will get some more ideas for future blogs!