Saturday 26 October 2013

A day in the life

It's 4:30 am! Yes I know early but that is a typical start to the day for me. 4 days out of seven I am on schedule and the rest are a blur.  Isabella wakes up regularly throughout the night so this is nothing new. It's funny how sleep is never the same again after having children. So 4:30 rolls around I put the coffee maker on, feed Bella her bottle, put her back to sleep and make my way down the stairs while Antonio and Tony are both snoring. I start studying while I am sipping on my dose of caffeine and think to myself is this what my life has come to?  You better believe it!!! After a while I start to wake up and realize if I get to the gym now I can be back before everyone wakes up and I am out the door. Ah the gym how it makes me realize with every workout how great my body looked before my monsters came into this world. Now I have  a stomach that looks like a tractor drove all over it  THAT'S HOT RIGHT?
I get home everyone is awake and I better hustle and dress to impress as 9am is just around the corner. All in a nutshell working from home is a nightmare. I can't wait to go to the office, or appointments do what I have to do, check my social media 24/7, and wait for my husband to say honey are you done yet. He just did it now as it's 7:15pm and I am at the office preparing for my weekend appointments (he doesn't know about this blog yet).
At some point I get home. If it's early enough the kids are awake but lately they are sleeping and I have a quick opportunity to catch up with hubby before it's bed time. Now you are probably thinking stay at home dad? I WISH!!! He would be great at it, he cooks, cleans way better then I do and the kids love him to pieces but unfortunately he is off on parental leave until Bella has her first birthday in less then a month :(. Time flies! Well that's it I will have more but I think it would be good to go home to my family.


  1. Nice post Valentina, it gives me perspective before thinking about having kids ;) Good luck, and I look forward to reading more.

  2. Thanks Shameen!!! Children are amazing but they change everything and make life 1000 times more interesting that's for sure! I am excited to post more things Halloween is almost here so stay tuned
